318 Brannan Street, Suite 100, San Francisco , CA 94107

Jivamukti Yoga


Jivamukti yoga is layered with spirituality and gives modern perspectives on ancient yogic teachings. Physically speaking, it's a vinyasa style of practice, meaning that students flow from one posture to the next.

Jivamukti's core philosophy is built on five principles: non-violence, devotion to the divine, meditation, deep listening, and the study of ancient yogic teachings. So although classes provide a good workout, they certainly aren't lost to yoga's inherent spiritual goals.

Classes can be challenging and quite vigorous but Jivamukti teachers keep things light-hearted, bringing their own unique personality to their teachings. They often blend contemporary music, life stories, and quotes from yogic scriptures to build on the class's central theme. The theme is further explored through yoga postures, meditation, breathwork, and chanting.

Jivamukti yoga is lively, challenging, and oozing with modern spirituality.

Is Jivamukti yoga for you ?

Jivamukti has something to offer for all levels of students--from beginners to the seriously advanced.

If you're looking for a fun style of yoga that brings physical challenges without sacrificing spirituality, Jivamukti is the perfect answer. It's great for those who get bored easily as no two classes are ever the same.

Jivamukti Yoga Poses